Protective Eyewear
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, every day, an estimated 2,000 workers suffer eye injuries on the job. These injuries incur close to than $1 billion annually in workers’ compensation, and nearly $4 billion in wage and productivity losses. Fortunately, up to 90 percent of all workplace eye injuries are preventable with the use of proper eyewear and safety measures. Le Chi offers an array of protective eyewear styles to fit your workplace needs.
Ophthalmic Screenings
Workplace vision exams help ensure that employees and prospective employees can perform their jobs safely and adequately. Employing people with the appropriate eyesight and hearing for the job is both a legal and ethical requirement for employers. Proper eyesight is more than being able to see well up close. It also includes the ability to see color and depth perception. Le Chi and their staff optometrist offer multiple forms of vision screening that can save your company time and money.
Personalized Eyewear
Custom branded apparel is a great strategy for increasing your brand awareness. Not only is it continuous advertising but you can turn customers, clients and employees into walkable, wearable billboards. Providing clients and employees with one of a kind eyewear featuring your logo creates the opportunity for a lasting relationship with your brand. Luckily, Le Chi offers personalized eyewear for every occasion. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.
Ophthalmic Consulting
A good occupational health program will allow your business to rest knowing you’ve taken the necessary steps to minimize lost production time, as well as streamline workers’ compensation claims. With that being said, Le Chi eyewear can create programs that protect both employees and organizations in the event of workplace injuries or illnesses.